Sunday, September 21, 2008

3 Most Important Things You Must Do in Bed

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Do you know that a lot of women out there are just not able to orgasm during sex? You see the reason is not her it's actually her partner. A lot of men out there just don't know the effective ways to make her orgasm. Most men lack sexual knowledge and the essential skill one must have in order to satisfy a woman in bed. This is the major reason why a lot of women end up faking their orgasms in bed. Read on to discover some of the most important things you must do in bed in order to make her orgasm...

Help her relax- Do you know that a lot of women out there are very conscious about their body and often get highly uncomfortable in bed? You see this is the reason why it's your job to make her comfortable in bed and really get her to settle down. A woman will never orgasm unless she is completely relaxed and one of the best ways to relax her is to give her a slight oil massage.

Punch in a lot of emotions and feelings- The more emotions and feelings you involve in the whole deal the more turned on she would be and the greater her levels of satisfaction would be. You see when it comes to women and sex it's always about how well you connect with them on an emotional level therefore make sure you show a lot of feelings and emotions in bed.

Don't make it a boring routine- This is one thing a lot of guys out there tend to do. They end up doing the same thing over and over again so much that after a while it seems like it's more of a routine than anything else. You should always give her the gift of variety in bed where you add something new to it every single time.

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