The modern bra was designed to hold a woman's breasts at the level where they grew out of her body. A bra that does that is the right bra size for you. What exactly is the right level for you?
Stand in front of a mirror, without your bra and without anything covering you on top, turn to the side, and look in the mirror. Do you see the bottom line of your breasts where they come out of your body? If you're like most women, your breasts themselves are hanging, sagging below that line. Maybe just a little, but maybe a lot.
Most women are wearing a bra that holds their breasts at the level you see them hanging or sagging in the mirror. THIS IS A MISTAKE.
A bra worn like this is not doing what it was designed to do. If your bra lets your breasts sag below where they grew out of your body, you are not wearing the correct bra size.
Now, lift up your boobs while you're standing sideways in the mirror. You see the bottom part, the part where your boob becomes a part of your body at its lowest point? The spot where you would put a tape measure to take your "under the bust" measurement?
That's the level your bra should hold your breasts at, because that's the level your breasts grew out of your body. The modern bra was designed to hold your breasts at that spot, because that is where your breasts belong, and your bra was designed to hold your breasts where they belong.
You may think that I'm needlessly repeating myself, but this is the one mistake that everyone is making. Don't be like everyone else. Be the 1 out of 10 women who knows the proper way to measure bra size.
Now here's something interesting. Get a tape measure and take your "under the bust" measurement, just under your breasts where they grew out of your body. Now move the tape measure a few inches downward and take another measurement. Then move the tape measure downward one more time, and take another measurement. When most women do this, they find that they get a bigger number the lower they measure on their body.
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